Living With Addison's Disease: A Guide for People with Addison's, Supporters and Professionals
Living With Addison's Disease: A Guide for People with Addison's, Supporters and Professionals
A small but mighty guide for people with Addison's, their supporters, and professionals involved in their care. Full of useful information and practical tips.
This wonderful resource was awarded 'Commended' in the 2019 British Medical Association (BMA) Patient Information Awards.
Authored by Professor Simon Pearce & Sarah Spain, Feb 2019
Managing Your Addison's: An Introduction
Why is it called Addison's Disease?
How is Addison's Diagnosed?
What causes Addison's Disease?
You and Your Doctors
You and your endocrinology team
You and your GP
Exemption from prescription charges
Ambulance trust registration
Flu vaccine
You and your dentist
What you need and why you need it
Cortisol replacement
Considerations in choosing Cortisol Replacement
Cortisol Replacement: the small print
Aldosterone Replacement
Drug interactions
Replacement of Other Adrenal Hormones
Obtaining & Storing medication
Adrenal Crisis & emergencies
Sick-Day Rules
Emergency prevention
Travelling (near & far)
What Kind of Quality of Life Can I Expect
What about sport and exercise?
Signs of over and under medication
Children & Young Adults with Addison's
Oestrogens, contraception and menopause
Getting older with Addison's